DIY: Convert a Large T-shirt Into a Tunic Tank

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Ever wonder what to do with those X-Large T-shirts that no one wants to wear, or don’t fit anyone in your home?  Well you can make them into Tunic Tanks for your kids (or yourself if you’re small).

YoCrunch sent me a t-shirt for being a part of their First Taste Family, but it was a 3XL.  My husband is just an X-Large and well you’ve seen me, I’m tiny.  So this shirt wasn’t going to get worn.  But then I saw an article in Family Fun on how to make a grown-up’s t-shirt into a tank or tunic for kids and I thought I’d try it.

You don’t need a lot of supplies to do this, just the t-shirt, yard stick, a pair of scissors, pencil, some pins, thread, a sewing machine and a tank top that fits your child/you as the ‘template’.

First you’ll need to turn the Larger t-shirt inside out and make sure it’s smoothed out.  Then lay the tank top on top of the t-shirt so that the back collar of the tank is lined up with the front collar of the t-shirt.

Trace around the tank’s armholes, neckline, and shoulders, adding a 1/2″ around for seaming (I didn’t do that and I had to sew really close to the edges).  1/2″ out from the side seams starting from the bottom of the tank armhole using the yard stick, draw lines down to the bottom of the t-shirt on each side (these will be the side seams of the tunic).  If you’re making this for a boy, you can cut the t-shirt across the hemline of the tank so it falls at the same spot, rather than making it the length of the t-shirt.

Cut out along the lines, then pin the open seams together and sew them up.  You don’t need to finish any of the edges since t-shirt material does not fray.

If it’s a solid color t-shirt you can even do some fabric painting or add some embellishments to it.

33 thoughts on “DIY: Convert a Large T-shirt Into a Tunic Tank

  1. I've got to get this Family Fun Magazine. You keep sharing recipes and tips like this! LOVE this idea. We've thrown away so many clothing since I lost the baby weight. Didn't know it was so easy to reinvent!

  2. Love this! I often get a chance for a free t-shirt at work but by the time I get there, x-large is the only size left. Can't wait to give this a try.

  3. I can't wait to give this a try…I luv the length of it.
    By the way…cool pants to go with the top!

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